Imagine your ideal career and life where you  -- and who you've always known you were meant to be -- can fully thrive.

You’ve worked hard, pushed boundaries, and achieved success in your organization or business ownership—but deep down, you know there’s more.

We’re here to tell you, you’re RIGHT. There IS more!

Yes, you can be nothing less than EXTRAORDINARY!

Whether you are an Entrepreneur or on an Organizational track, we’ve got the option that is right for you!

Who Is It For?
What's Included?
Course Modules

It’s time for a new way to think about power so you embrace it and get results with confidence, authenticity, and joy!

  • You are ambitious but are tired of being overlooked or ignored, and want to gain the respect and leadershiproles you deserve.
  • The past few years have shifted not only your daily life but also your mindset, causing you to reconsider priorities, and how you truly want to live.
  • You want to get clarity on your next professional move and a powerful plan to achieve your most important goals
  • You value diversity, equity, inclusion, and think it’s time for gender parity in leadership. 
  • You’re ready to take the lead in your life and career, bringing your power and leadership forward so that you can live and work in your full authenticity with confidence, passion and grace.  

Whether you are an Entrepreneur or on an Organizational track,

 we’ve got the option that is right for you!

The 9 Power Leadership Tools course will teach you how to be your own best advocate using your powerful voice to thrive in the world as it is while changing it. 

"The 9 Leadership Power Tools course re-shaped my thinking on personal power and how to embrace it to create the vision I want for my life and career. During this course I learned the importance of knowing my history, while using the power of intention and effective communication to design the future on my terms. Gloria, an excellent and inspiring teacher, knows the right questions to ask that facilitate meaningful in-depth discussions and personal reflections. While taking this course, I was exploring new job opportunities and I used the tools outlined in the class to successfully navigate the process.  As a result, I received several job offers for leadership roles within the technology industry. If you have a chance to take this class do it!" 

- Deniece Moxy Senior Manager, Product Marketing, AppZen

Hi! I’m Gloria Feldt, bestselling author of No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power on which this course is based, and cofounder and president of the 501(c)3 non-profit organization Take The Lead. Our mission is BOLD.

Take The Lead prepares, develops, inspires and propels all women of all diversities and intersectionalities to take their fair and equal share of leadership positions across all sectors by 2025.

We do this work and offer this course because you deserve the equal pay, positions, and power of your highest intentions. This course will teach you the specific thought processes and skills to identify and channel your inner strength and power. 

You already have more power than you might realize. Our job is to give you the tools, show you how to use them and then set you free to conquer your world! We are providing you the choice of three plans.

Learn How to Identify Your Unique Power

My Story: From Teen Mom to CEO

Before I became a New York Times best-selling author and feminist leader, long before I founded Take The Lead, I was a teen mom in West Texas with no employable skills. I didn’t know how to shine my own light without feeling bad or guilty about it. I was scared, feeling powerless and lacking confidence.

I learned the hard way that success isn’t only about your degree, working twice as hard, or being a team player…

It’s about getting to know your unique value and embracing your power.

But I understand it’s hard to pinpoint exactly where you are in embracing and growing your own power. That’s why I created this 9 Leadership Power Tools to Advance Your Career course, to share everything I’ve learned the hard way.

“These are transformative concepts ... the concepts and tools gained from the program, and the relationships gained alongside them, are invaluable.”

-Michelle Genece Patterson, Senior Producer, CNN

The World Needs What You Have to Offer. 

But it’s not possible for you to clarify your authentic intentions and give your powerful best if you put yourself last and play small. Your vision, ideas and plans have the power to shape the future.   

Can you imagine what that feels like?  

It might feel uncomfortable at first but, to your soul, it simply feels like HOME.  

You are here on this very web page - among the billions of other web pages - for a specific reason.  

I have faith in you. I know you can set your own agenda and the 9 Leadership Power Tools will support you on your journey. 

What's included?

Includes an all-new accountability partner process to increase the likelihood that you will get all you want from the course PLUS:

13 Modules

covering all 9 Leadership Power Tools and skill-building exercises

Action Plan

a Strategic Leadership Action plan you can immediately implement

#SisterCourage Community

a private community of other ambitious women

Leadership Certificate

proving you have the skills, intention and courage to lead change 


Level 2: Career Accelerator

Everything in Career Boost PLUS four monthly masterminds personally led by Gloria Feldt

Level 3: VIP

Everything in Career Accelerator PLUS access to the NEW Intentioning: The Next Level of Leadership Course to launch in February 2023. 

I highly recommend this course. You'll learn so much that you can use right away.

- Amy Hillman, Dean, W.P. Carey School of Business, ASU

What’s Inside 9 Leadership Power Tools

Welcome and Course Information
  • The real reason why you need to know your history first
  • Course overview and how to use the platform
  • A vibrant community of women who will support you going forward 
Transformational Power Concepts and 9 Leadership Power Tools Overview
  • Find out what your true relationship with power is
  • How culture, nurture and implicit bias affect your beliefs and career 
  • What is the new power paradigm and how to embrace it 
Power Tool #1 - Know Your History
  • Know your history and you can to create the future of your choice 
Power Tool #2 - Define Your Own Terms
  • How to define your own terms first, before someone else defines you. Plus, the power of intention and gender bilingual communication 
Power Tool #3 - Use What You've Got
  • How to use what you’ve got and assess your own points of power and the power relationships you want to nurture 
Power Tool #4 - Embrace Controversy
  • Why you should embrace controversy and use its energy to propel your ideas forward
Power Tool #5 - Carpe the Chaos
  • How to carpe the chaos, for in chaos is always opportunity for innovative thinking
Power Tool #6 - Wear The Shirt
  • Why wear the shirt of your convictions and why people follow people who have a point of view 
Power Tool #7 - Create a Movement
  • Create a movement. The 3 simple elements of how sustainable change is made for yourself or in your organization — or the world
Power Tool #8 - Employ Every Medium
  • Employ every medium. How you can become a thought leader even if you’re shy or an introvert
Power Tool #9 - Tell Your Story
  • Why your story is your power and your truth and why it is key to accomplishing your goals
My Strategic Leadership Action Plan
  • Get your Strategic Leadership Action Plan template that you will be able to use throughout your career to achieve a goal or solve a problem
  • Identify your goal or problem and be guided through the steps to achieve them
  • Give and get feedback on your plan so you can ready it for action
Celebrate Your Power Journey
  • Celebrate your accomplishments
  • Get your certificate of completion and a badge you can use on your LinkedIn profile to tell the world you are ready with your Power Tools and plan to reach your career intentions


What You'll Gain from This Course.

The 9 Leadership Power Tools will swiftly lead you from what's broken to what works!

9 Power Leadership Tools for the Entrepreneur

Access to the self-paced, new and improved online course!

A Monthly Q&A Session


9 Power Leadership Tools To Advance Your Career 

Access to the self-paced, new and improved online course!

A Monthly Q&A Session 



2 pay at $265/mo


2 pay at $265/mo


What You'll Gain from This Course.

The 9 Leadership Power Tools will swiftly lead you from what's broken to what works!

  • Feeling of running - or worse walking - in place while you’re getting nowhere.
  • Not knowing what you were meant to do or where to start.
  • Letting your insecurities and fears lead.
  • Feeling of not being heard; being passed over. Conflicting or confusing communication.
  • Fearing change, chaos and controversy.
  • Being stuck in a role you don’t value or feel passionate about.
  • Living and working with the "non-plan plan."
  • Trying to go it alone. 
  • Gain proven, real-world, and actionable tools - and the accompanying mindset - to accomplish your goals and thrive in any profession, at any career level.
  • Unlock the struggle with yourself to break out of negative patterns in order to elevate your own intentions. Then, hone the practical skills needed to be a highly successful leader, aligning your career and values.
  • Leave behind Imposter Syndrome and take the lead, boosting your confidence, authenticity, intentionality and joy.
  • Learn gender bilingual communication. In other words, learning to speak and become fluent in the language of leadership and power so that you can self advocate effectively and communicate across gender and culture.
  • Carpe the Chaos, turn chaos and controversy into opportunity and change, embracing your unique power and gaining a better understanding of how to leverage your strengths.
  • Learn to live and work in your full authenticity with confidence, passion and grace, then shift into a role where you feel valued.
  • Create your own strategic leadership action plan with a template you can use when you need it throughout your career and life. Self CEO-ing at its best!
  • A private community of other ambitious and like-minded women.
  • A Leadership Certificate proving you have the skills, intention and courage to lead change. 
  • Many bonus videos and other resources, with access to the course materials for a full year.

Enroll in the course or ask your company to sponsor you and other women in your organization.

9 Power Leadership Tools for the Entrepreneur

Access to the self-paced, new and improved online course!

A Monthly Q&A Session


9 Power Leadership Tools To Advance Your Career 

Access to the self-paced, new and improved online course!

A Monthly Q&A Session



Online course access PLUS:

FOUR Masterminds with Gloria Feldt

Access to the NEW Intentioning: The Next Level of Leadership Course to launch in February 2023. 



Have you been laid off or furloughed? We have scholarships available. We want everyone who needs this course to get access to it.

Apply for a Scholarship

2 pay at $265/mo


2 pay at $265/mo

I am really excited about putting my strategic plan into action now, and seeing the results in 6 months. This course has helped me tremendously and I would love for more women to benefit from it. I feel very confident in my decisions now, and know that I can (and will) do the hard stuff to get where I want to go. I am ready to aim higher, and achieve higher-and just have fun along the way! I don't know what's coming next, but I do know it will be awesome, because I'm not settling for anything less.

- Sreedevi

FACT: The way in which women and men speak to each other in the workplace can impede your success! 

9 Leadership Power Tools will teach you the difference between oppressive “power over” and generative “power to.”

In the words of Brené Brown, “We can’t understand leadership if we don’t talk about power.” So making that distinction between being right vs. getting it right makes all the difference in the world! 

Once we have shucked Imposter Syndrome and are working in “power to” mode, several things happen: 

  • You don’t have to compete if everyone has the same goal; the pie is infinite. 
  • You can be sensitive while being assertive. 
  • You can care for the whole while caring for yourself. 
  • You can unite and inspire rather than divide and dispirit.

Did someone say BONUSES?

Enroll now and get these but don’t wait!  They go away at midnight, PT, October 1st!

  • Q & A group in the community with Gloria personally
  • Digital Journal and Discussion Guide 
  • Power To Change Volume 1

Enroll in the course or ask your company to sponsor you and other women in your organization.

If your organization is interested in group registrations discounts, contact [email protected]

Career Boost


Self-paced online course with new accountability partner process!

Career Accelerator 


Everything in Career Boost PLUS four Monthly Masterminds with Gloria Feldt



Everything in Career Accelerator 
PLUS access to the NEW Intentioning: The Next Level of Leadership Course to launch in February 2023. 


But what if…?

Hey, I get it. 

There’s a not-so-little voice inside your head telling you that this couldn’t possibly be for you.

I’m here to tell you..DON’T listen to that voice! 

With decades of experience working with women to become powerful leaders, here’s what I know:

  • If you’ve been a stay-at-home mom for years, you are in. 
  • If you’ve been working outside the home for years, you are in.
  • If you don’t have several advanced degrees, you are in. 
  • If you do have several advanced degrees, you are in.
  • If you are totally rethinking your life and career.
  • If you love your job but you're ready to advance.
  • If you aren’t 100% qualified, you are in. 
  • If you are 100% qualified, you are in.
In the words of Glennon Doyle, “You’re a goddamn cheetah.” Don’t let anyone - especially that pesky voice inside your head - tell you otherwise.

9 Leadership Power Tools: Built by Women for Women.

These are tools for self-realization and dominance used to hack away at the self-limiting stories you have

A) been told by others and

B) told yourself.

The implicit bias you’ve unknowingly learned, shaped by our patriarchal culture. This is not a blame game. It isn’t anyone’s fault. Men have been taught the same things and we have courses for them, too! 

These 9 Leadership Power Tools will prepare and propel you to achieve your HIGHEST intentions. It's all-access to the secret strategies I’ve learned over the years to create and support unparalleled breakthroughs for women like you. 

And it’s all 100% online, done at your own pace. 


Your only purpose is to be your unique self. It’s not to compete with other women (or men). What a relief! You only have to be you - and you are the only one who can do that - but you first have to channel your inner cheetah. 


We can help you find her. The vulnerable, instinctual, powerful her.

14-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

We understand the commitment and how valuable your time is. I’m so certain this is the course that will propel you to greater heights that I’m willing to give a 14-day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

For 14 days, you’ll get training to build a career with purpose, to win fair and equal pay, to be heard, to be confident, to be respected and to have a family while enjoying a satisfying career. And if what I teach doesn’t help you in any way, I won’t keep a single cent.


Frequently Asked Questions

So, what do you say?  Are you ready?

Join us in the 9 Powerful Leadership Tools course and be the woman, and leader, you were always meant to be!


Alternately, if you would like to gift a full or partial scholarship to help another woman get back on her feet, show your #SisterCourage and send a scholarship here.

If you don't have someone to give a scholarship to, email us at [email protected] and we can help!

Give a Scholarship
9 Power Leadership Tools for the Entrepreneur

Access to the self-paced, new and improved online course!

A Monthly Q&A Session


9 Power Leadership Tools To Advance Your Career 

Access to the self-paced, new and improved online course!

A Monthly Q&A Session



Online course access PLUS:

FOUR Masterminds with Gloria Feldt

Access to the NEW Intentioning: The Next Level of Leadership Course to launch in February 2023. 



Have you been laid off or furloughed? We have scholarships available. We want everyone who needs this course to get access to it.

Apply for a Scholarship

2 pay at $265/mo


2 pay at $265/mo